Watch the Video 'Tamera - Beyond 2012' and help to infuse the world with healing information!
"The Power on Earth no longer lies on the side of imperialistic violence, but on the side of those groups who today connect worldwide with the forces of transformation."
Greetings from Tamera, a healing biotope in Portugal. Beyond Boundaries has come to an end and I have returned to Tamera to participate in their peace education. The past month I have been in the Eco-village Design Education course, and I continue here for the next two months inquiring deeply into the peace work of our times.
Last night I was in a gathering of global activists, artists, farmers and peace workers celebrating hope. Coming from different life paths and cultural background, our common humanity was present. Our hearts opened from a moving presentation from two men involved in non-violent activism in Palestine, we shared our vision and dedication for a peaceful planet. We imagined what it would be like if we were the UN, what decisions would we make...
I am truly touched by the global situation, motivated by the urgency of our times. I feel so privileged to be part of this global campus, this week I am part of a Sepp Holzer Permaculture course, learning how to 'reawaken the dream of the land'. It is another international group, I am inspired by the plans being born for projects in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Palestine, Portugal and Spain. Simultaneously there is a workshop on the issue of children and education, and a dedicated group of community women are in an intensive time building the 'new women's field' of solidarity and mutual support.
With this privilege comes responsibility. I continue to walk my pilgrim path of service asking how can I serve? I am here as a student, learning from this model of peace work. Tamera is a community and a research center, deeply committed to the experiment towards a new culture of peace. The approach here, like many places around the world, is holistic, including personal, communitarian, political, environmental, economic and spiritual work. During this time of study I am engaged in deep personal work, focusing on being in peace within myself and in my relations with others. In this way I am preparing myself for the work ahead and offering support to those who are here now.
It is a new culture, a culture emerging from experimentation and research, a culture imbedded in a growing global community. In many ways, it is a 'new earth', very different than any other place I have been... and yet it feels like home.
Thank you for reading my thoughts, and thank you for viewing the video. Please pass it on to anyone you think might be interested.
I will have a 'Beyond Boundaries' report available soon, please let me know if you would like to receive it.